The counselling approach that I’m trained in is called Person Centred and as the name suggests it places great importance in the client being the expert in their own life. It means that I will work with you to understand what might be the cause of whatever difficulties you are experiencing and to bring about the changes that you would like to see.
Often clients need some help and guidance to start to make sense of what’s happened in their past and how that may be impacting on the present so I also use a Proactive Approach where I sometimes take the lead. I can draw of my training, knowledge and experience in order to help you to move forward. My aim is to make you feel comfortable and to help you to tell your story.
I sometimes use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) as this can be helpful in some situations. I also draw on a wealth of training and experience of ways of working with specific issues.
It may seem strange to talk about ending when we haven’t yet begun but right from the beginning we have the end in mind. It is not an open ended process which meanders gently towards no particular goal. Rather it is time-limited and focused on your goal; whether time-limited means 6 weeks or 6 months depends on your particular issues.
You may have preconceptions about what counselling is like... it’s not lying on a couch talking about your awful childhood whilst I make notes and avoid making eye contact with you. Although you are welcome to lie on my sofa and talk about anything you like, including your awful childhood if you wish. I may even make you a cup of tea!
It’s not about me pointing out what you have got wrong or blaming you. It’s not about labelling you. It’s not about making you feel bad about yourself or uncomfortable. However, sometimes it can be painful to talk about ‘stuff’ but I will try my best to help you through it.
It’s not all about the past. You may want to talk about your past because that may be an important part of your story but we also focus on the here and now. Counselling is not something to be scared or nervous about. You are in control at all times. The sessions are your sessions.